Our Services.

We are independent cyber risk management specialists.

We believe that our independence is crucial to demonstrate that we don’t show up to talk cyber risk with the intention of selling you cyber security solutions.

Instead, we show up to guide you through protecting your business using a risk-based approach.

  • Analyse.

    We work directly with the C-Suite executives and Board members to conduct a full and systematic analysis of your business’ cyber risks and governance.

    We provide a clear understanding and analysis of the company’s biggest cyber risks to enable quantification and management of the impact on your business.

    We make our considerations against a suitable framework as a benchmark i.e.NIST CSF, ISO/IEC 27001, CMMC etc.

  • Strengthen.

    The complete analysis piece provides you with a formal report of our findings and recommendations.

    The recommendations will be prioritised and give you a clear plan of action required. We work with you to strengthen your business’ cyber risk position, and may involve governance matters, process and procedure changes, policy implementation, employee training and awareness and incident response planning.

    We walk with you through the process to achieve what your business needs.

  • Oversight.

    Implementing an effective cyber risk program is the start of a journey.

    You and your Board need the continual reassurance from across the business that the implemented programs, continual improvements and effective cyber risk management are monitored.

    Utilising our independent services, we can provide you with the continual oversight function that your business needs and deserves, whether that is monthly or quarterly.

Let’s talk.

We’d love to hear where you and your board are at with understanding cyber risk, chat about your needs and explore how we could help you focus on growing a stronger business.