Ukraine and Russia: Global cyber tensions

With heightened tensions between Ukraine and Russia at present, and a lot of global interest in the situation, there has also been considerable associated news coverage of the potential of substantial cyber-attacks by Russia against US businesses.

The last thing you need is to be hit by a cyber incident – loss of client data, detrimental affect on your business reputation, financial loss etc!

Encourage you to consider these quick questions to help you understand how vulnerable your business is right now:

1. Do you have cyber insurance in place and does it cover ransomware and phishing attacks?
2. Do you have effective cyber security tools/technology in place?
3. Do you know what your most valuable data is and know that it is securely protected?
4. Are your staff trained and cyber aware to spot suspicious emails?
5. Do you have data back-ups in place and have they been tested?
6. Have you developed a cyber incident response and recovery plan and have you tested it so that stakeholders know their roles and responsibilities?

If you are answering ‘no’ to most of these questions, I strongly encourage you to take proactive steps now to safeguard and protect your business.


Cyber risk vs cyber security


Thank you Guernsey