Are you ready?

When you sit down to watch an F1 race you know that each team has prepared a race strategy for each of their drivers. They of course want to be able to stick to that plan, but then an event occurs during the race and the team strategists have to decide if the current plan is appropriate or whether they need to switch to plan B, plan C or consider something different. And also and perhaps more importantly, how their drivers will respond to the change of plan.

The GFSC Cyber Security Rules need to be implemented within just a few days (9th August 2021). Perhaps your plan was to resolve other regulatory matters first, and then if you had the time, resources, and capability, you intended to address the Cyber Rules. But unfortunately, time has now got the better of you and your business. So, what is your revised plan?

1. Do you have the in-house resources to perform a gap analysis, establish the necessary remediation plans and deliver according to this new plan?
2. Will you ask your IT provider to check its technology provision for you?
3. Or are you hoping that the regulator will give everyone more time to comply?

Whatever your plan and strategy for dealing with the Rules, if you would like help from a local independent cyber risk specialist, which has an excellent working knowledge and in-depth experience of implementing the Rules, to work with you as your cyber security compliance and oversight provider, please get in touch with us.


Battle to keep up with Regulatory environments


F1 Halo for cyber