CentricalCyber utilising the Black Vanilla ‘bulb’ service

CentricalCyber is a cyber risk company that launched last year to help business leaders move beyond the idea that ‘cybersecurity equals IT’ with their no-fuss, no-fear approach to cyber risk.

It was set up by Rudi Le Roux, a former Chief Operating Officer and Chief Risk Officer, and Kyan Frith, an experienced business consultant: two plain-speaking, qualified accountants with a fresh approach to managing business risk.


Once formed, CentricalCyber understood that their industry is crowded and while their no-fuss, no-fear approach sets them apart, they needed support on truly understanding their key messages, brand story and communication of their expertise and offerings.

Bulb’s challenge was to get to the core of the CentricalCyber story and understand what sets them apart from other businesses in this area and communicate these to their potential clients and stakeholders.


After reviewing the business’ current communication tactics (website) and a meeting with Rudi and Kyan we agreed that our Sep-up package was a perfect fit for them. They were at the beginning of their business journey and already organised a live website, but there was a need to populate the site with their offerings, story and expertise.

Bulb Set-Up is perfect for those who are at the start of their new business journey. For this package we collaborate with Rachael Cumberland-Dodd of Feed Marketing to help develop and get to the heart of client’s brand stories so we can identify their standout key messages. Communicating your key messages are crucial so stakeholders, including clients, can understand your business’ personality, expertise and offerings.

Rachael and Black Vanilla undertook several meetings with CentricalCyber to understand the ‘why’ of their business, who their main competitors are, who their dream clients are and what goals they have for the business.

We combined our research and first-hand insight as we worked with all parties to ensure the website was fit for purpose, enhanced the customer’s journey and got the most out of the bespoke copy we drafted for the business.

To ensure consistency of CentricalCyber’s messaging we also conducted a social media audit of their professional and business social media profiles.

The final piece of the puzzle was a launch press release, to promote CentricalCyber and their new website.


CentricalCyber walked away from the Bulb Set-Up package with:

  • A succinct brand story

  • Confidence in their key messages

  • A customer-friendly website

  • Polished social media profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

  • Website launch social media posts for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

  • A suite of assets

  • A launch press release which gained coverage in:

    • Guernsey Press

    • Bailiwick Express

    • Channel Eye

    • BL Global


The Comms Chat with Kyan Frith


New cyber risk company launches with ‘no-fear’ approach to cyber risk